I want to share this quote from Daily Inspiration: Seven Steps to Success

  1. Make a commitment to grow daily.
  2. Value the process more than events.
  3. Don’t wait for inspiration.
  4. Be willing to sacrifice pleasure for opportunity.
  5. Dream big
  6. Plan your priorities.
  7. Give up to go up.

John Maxwell – Leadership speaker, author

Do you want to become a success? How does one become a success and another person does not? The seven steps presented lend credence to a plan for success. Consider incorporating these steps in your daily walk and perhaps your results can confirm the outcome of success. Step 5 is the basis for your success – Dream Big! Make your “Dream Big” list today; embrace your heart’s desire and then begin your growth journey into a life of success. 

Everyone is given the same 24hr in a day and we all feel at time as if there is never an enough time! How efficient are you using your time? What are you doing different than others? How much time and effort are you willing to put in a day to strive for your success?  I read it somewhere in the internet several months ago that 4 am is the best time wake up and get an early start to your day. You can actually spend an hr or two doing on what you want. It also said that  it’s a time where you will not be bothered by the usual surroundings since most of us are asleep. Hmmmm it’s very tempting….but haven’t had chance to try this out! 🙂 LOL. Let me know if this really worked for you~~ ^^*

4 thoughts on “I want to share this quote from Daily Inspiration: Seven Steps to Success

  1. Love this! Its a rude awakening how 24 hr seems like a long time but being wrapped up in everyday craziness, 24hr is truly just a breath of time and clearly is not enough. I find myself not getting everything I had hoped to have done in a day completed and yet I never take the time to figure out what I need to do to fix that. Starting my day just a bit earlier, even mentally, to map out my day in meditation seems like such a great idea! My 4am is now consisted of feeding a very hungry newborn. I will take this quote with me at that time to start my 24 hour. Thanks Ms. JuJu~ Keep up the great work! Love ur entries!

    • Hey K&J mommy….I soooo know how rough those early feedings are. As hard it is now, I am sure starting your morning off with that precious time with your baby is worth it! Thanks for your positive response!! ^^*

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